Les Jauron

Les Jauron

Writing is my passion

Les Jauron is a West Point graduate, a retired Army officer, and a retired college administrator. He has two graduate degrees – a Master’s in Military Arts and Sciences from the School for Advanced Military Studies, and a Master’s in Business Administration from Oklahoma City University.

About Author

Writing is my small contribution to the
human experience.

I write fiction to do more than entertain. My goal is to educate, to provoke thought, to challenge assumptions, and to inspire positive change. Like all authors, I bring my experience and my passions to my writing.

I’m a West Point graduate, retired Army officer and college administrator.

My Books

The Galilean Codex

This is a race between the Catholic Church and a group of friends to find an ancient codex that could upend beliefs that are fundamental to Christianity. The race features murder, mayhem, and international intrigue. I wrote the book to examine the boundary between science and religion and to cause readers to think about what would happen if someone found irrefutable evidence that what we believe isn’t true.

Wallia’s Quest


This book follows the adventures of the same group of friends who pursued the Galilean Codex. In this book, the friends pursue the last commando of an obscure World War II raid. As they do this, they uncover a conspiracy that involves the president of the United States to turn the United States from a democracy into a dictatorship. I wrote this book to show technology is impacting our society in ways we don’t even understand.

The Last Commando

This is five-part series that follows the life of an obscure Visigoth king as his people migrate from modern Romania through Bulgaria, the Balkans, Greece, Italy, Spain, and Portugal before finally settling in France. Along the way the Visigoths kill the Eastern Roman Emperor, destroy Rome’s army, and sack Rome. I wrote the book to examine a forty-year migration that shaped the modern world, and to examine leadership in a context where alliances constantly shift, loyalties change, and betrayal is a way of life.

About Me

Les Jauron is a West Point graduate, a retired Army officer, and a retired college administrator. He has two graduate degrees – a Master’s in Military Arts and Sciences from the School for Advanced Military Studies, and a Master’s in Business Administration from Oklahoma City University.

Les has always been fascinated by history, organizational leadership, politics, military affairs, and rocks. He and his wife, Zoela, lived in their motor home for four years after Les retired for the second time and traveled extensively through the western United States. After ending their RV odyssey, Les and Zoela settled for a few years in Clarkdale, Arizona before moving to Chico California to be closer to their three children and nine grandchildren.

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